Sunday, September 6, 2015


I feel the need to apologize for being away so long.  Two months is a terribly long time to go missing and I have done a great job at hiding.

I have dealt with depression and anxiety for a while now, and when it flares up (even while on medication) I take some time and hide away and really think about what I need to do to get better.  That has involved beers, sleep (so much sleep), no makeup, big baggy clothing, red bull, and netflix. I was contemplating writing a post on mental illness but I think I'll wait a little bit so don't get upset guys.

I'm getting better everyday and have just started to get back into the swing of life (thanks to some amazing friends).

I'm looking into a new camera and some lighting *hello fall my old friend. I am looking into making blogging my part time job instead of my sometimes job so I can really have an outlet to the outside world.

Please just bear with me and I promise promise promise it will be more than worth it for you guys.


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